I cannot express how impressed I am with the dedication in this picture.
At a World Class Gym like
So when I saw this on my screen the other day, it reminded me of how fortunate I was to be able to train, spend time with my students/friends, and repeat that cycle every day. To have a nice gym to train at and roll on a really nice mat!
These are two of my students who are participating in our new virtual martial arts classes at Lucas Lepri Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Knoxville. These two students live over 2,000 miles away, they do not have a mat, they are outside, they trained on a concrete pad! This type of dedication is inspiring! This mindset, to train whenever and wherever they have an opportunity to do so, can build character in childhood that will help them overcome obstacles and find a way to succeed in life! The sister uses her cell phone to help her little brother learn Brazilian Jiu Jitsu. She rarely performs the techniques herself because she says he is too little. She just makes sure he gets reps, does the techniques correctly, and has fun. All outside on a concrete pad!
This is not an article to call anyone out or make them feel bad. Not everyone has the opportunity to train as much as they wish they could and Covid is definitely making it harder to train. I just thought it was cool to see these two kids finding a way to train!
#brazilianjiujitsu #bjj #martialarts#knoxvilletn #kidsmartialarts #champions#dedication #mindset #honored