OLIVIA BROWN (Dangerous Pasta) - #1 Female Blue Belt in the WORLD!
Knoxville, TN - Lucas Lepri Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Knoxville has set the gold standard for Brazilian Jiu Jitsu in Knoxville, TN and East TN for the last 7 years! Olivia is a blue belt under Laban Propst at Lucas Lepri BJJ Knoxville and has been dominating the female Brazilian Jiu Jitsu scene for the past several months. Everyone goes to a tournament in hopes of bringing back a gold medal for all their hard work and effort in preparing for the event. There are opportunities to compete in both Gi and No-Gi divisions at many tournaments and if a student achieves gold in just one of these divisions, there is a sense of satisfaction and accomplishment. When you train at a world class martial arts academy like Lucas Lepri BJJ Knoxville, you are pushed to never settle and strive to be the best version of yourself no matter where you stand on a medal podium. We encourage you to keep reaching for the next level and not being just the best in your town or region, but the WORLD if competition is one of your goals. Olivia is one of those competitors that wants to keep reaching for the next level! She trains hard and consistently in an effort to reach a level that many talk about reaching but will never put in the work needed to be there. In the past several months Olivia has been able to win quadruple Gold at the largest BJJ tournaments in the Eastern United States. To pull off this feat she had to win her division and the Open Weight division (champions from all the weight classes) in both Gi and No-Gi portions of the competitions. She has also achieved the ranking as the #1 Female, Middle Weight Blue Belt in the world and #4 Female Blue Belt overall in the world! We are extremely proud of the hard work Olivia has put in and all of her accomplishments. We are also proud of all the other students at Lucas Lepri Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Knoxville for helping our athletes train and prepare for these high level tournaments! Champions are not made alone!
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